The CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry operated as Pork CRC from July 1, 2005 until June 30, 2011.
This website holds the research information as well as other information of Pork CRC during those years
Executive Summary
The Pork CRC was established in July 2005.
During almost six years of operation Pork CRC has revitalised pig and pork research in Australia and enhanced the global competiveness of the Australian pork industry through the development of an unprecedented range of new technologies and information. With the possible exception of weight sold/sow/year which is limited by retail demand for smaller carcasses in Australia, the major business KPIs for the Australian industry are now equal and in some cases better than our major competitors. The new technologies made available to industry and in the final stages of development by Pork CRC currently exceed those available anywhere else in the world and will provide industry with means of further enhancing the efficiency and reducing the cost of production for some time to come. The three commercial participants (production based) of Pork CRC have determined and reported (see annual report for 2010) that implementation of technologies developed by Pork CRC to date has improved their bottom line by some $14 million annually.
The advances made in the areas of grain technology, herd feed efficiency and in establishing the human health attributes of Australian pork by Pork CRC are the results of excellence in science, the close involvement of industry in the R&D programs and effective communication/demonstration of outcomes to participant’s and the industry in general.
The R&D program has been inclusive and has attracted researchers not previously engaged in pork research but who have brought some excellent science and innovation to the program and industry.
Pork CRC has been instrumental in the training of new generation scientists and has helped support R&D facilities across Australia though base funding arrangements in conjunction with Australian Pork Limited (APL). The base funding strategy provided some certainty to R&D providers, has reduced the cost of research and facilitated even greater cooperation between research organisations and industry and the training of students within commercial facilities/organisations.
The outcomes have exceeded participant and industry expectations and demonstrate the value of the CRC model for aligning industry needs with Australia’s research capabilities to develop collaborative R&D programs to enhance industry productivity and at the same time achieve excellence in science.
Research Outcomes of CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry 2006-2011