Program 2 – Research Reports

Improving herd feed conversion efficiency

2A – Innovative feed intake measurements
2A-101: Prediction of feed intake by individual pigs housed in groups using lithium chloride
2A-102: Novel and improved methods to measure the feed intake of individual pigs in groups
2A-103: Practical and continuous measurement of feed intake and pig weight
2A-104: Evaluation of feeding strategies and measurement of feed consumption using the Feedlogic system
-2 – Lysine Requirements of pigs from 20 to 100 kgs liveweight
-3 – Altering the timing of Improvac to reduce its impact on performance
2A-105: Development and evaluation of feeding strategies to improve feed conversion efficiency in growing pigs
– Experiment 2 – Review of nutritional requirements of a modern lean genotype
– Experiment 3 – Efficacy of Ractopamine and pST combinations on Finisher Pig Performance
– Experiment 5 –  Efficacy of Cysteamine as an in-feed growth promoter under commercial conditions
2A-107: DAFWA Feedlogics 2009-10
2A-108: CHM Feedlogics 2009-11
2A-109: Determining the lysine requirements of immunocastrated male pigs

2B – Feed Intake Innovations
2B-101: Strategic use of fat and fibre to improve the efficiency of finisher pigs
– 1 – The effect of dietary fat level on growth rate and efficiency of finisher pigs
– 2 – Effect of dietary neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content on growth rate and efficiency of finisher pigs
– 3 – Maximising the benefits of high fat and high fibre diets during the finisher period
2B-102: Using dietary medium-chain triglycerides to improve post-weaning performance of pigs
– 1 – The responses of light and heavy pigs at weaning to dietary spray-dried porcine plasma
– 2 – Neonatal oxytocin treatment and milk feeding of pigs before and after weaning influences the expression of gastrointestinal hormones regulating feed intake throughout the gastrointestinal tract of the piglet
2B-103: The use of high cost weaner diets to improve post weaning growth performance
– 3 – Creep feeding – weaning age interactions with creep feeding
2B-106: Development of semi-moist extruded creep feeds to promote gastro-intestinal tract development, feed intake and subsequent weaning weights
2B-107: Arginine supplementation for pigs weaned at 21 days of age
2B-108: Influences of early nutrition on growth performance, gut development and immunity of pigs under commercial conditions
2B-109: Further development of semi-moist feeds to enhance intake and deliver nutrients to sows and piglets – Confidential report

2C – Alternative Health Strategies – improve production/reduce mortality
2C-101: Management strategies to aid in the control of proliferative enteropathy
2C-102: Detection and strain typing of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae to support swine dysentery eradication and control
2C-103: Evaluation of  Grower Pig  Aerosol  and Sucker Pig APP vaccination programmes
2C-104: Controlled exposure as a management tool for Glässer’s disease
2C-105: Probiosis – a novel strategy for improved gut health and feed conversion efficiency in pigs without over-reliance on antibiotic growth promotants
2C-106: Development of a serological ELISA test for detection of herds with swine dysentery – Report Confidential
2C-107: Manipulating the environment in the porcine large intestine to help control swine dysentery
2C-108: The use of nucleotides, functional amino acids and vitamins to stimulate feed intake, enhance GIT
2C-109: Development of a semi-quantitative real-time diagnostic assay for ileitis – Report Confidential
2C-110: Improving health of neonatal piglets and weaners by injecting immunoglobulins
2C-111: Bacteriophage to control Enterotoxigenic E coli – Now 2C-101
2C-114: Evaluating the replacement of zinc oxide with an encapsulated zinc oxide product as a means of controlling post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets
2C-116: E. coli Probiotic Trial and Challenge Model – refer 2C-105

2D – Reproduction
2D-101: Improving the performance of the progeny of gilts
2D-102: Supplementation of sow feed with omega 3 fatty acids to improve performance and health of piglets
2D-104: Management strategies to maximize sow longevity and lifetime performance
2D-105: Development of ovulation synchronisation protocols to facilitate natural mating and artificial insemination  (AI) breeding systems.
2D-107: Do changes in steroid sensitivity and melatonin underpin seasonal infertility in pigs?
2D-108: Improving reproductive performance during seasonal infertility: Identification of “at-risk” sows and the role of oocyte quality
2D-109: Using Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) analogues to address seasonal infertility in pigs
2D-110: Determining the effects of season on ovarian development and early pregnancy returns
2D-111: Measurement and comparison of feed intake and growth performance during lactation and wean-finish of gilt-progeny pigs cross-fostered onto multiparous sows
2D-112: Nutritional manipulation of corpus luteum development during early pregnancy to increase embryo survival and litter size
2D-113: Induction of oestrus in lactating sows
2D-114: Using dietary betaine supplementation to alleviate summer infertility and improve litter size
2D-115: Physical and nutritional interventions to reduce sow lameness – Now 1C-101
2D-116: Lactogenesis: late gestation diets and hormonal intervention
2D-117: The epidemiological and physiological investigation of milking disorders in sows and the relation to pre-weaning mortality and growth rates
2D-118: Improving lactation performance and sow longevity with pST and combinations of CLA and betaine
2D-119: Pregnancy and lactation interventions to increase progeny birth weight, growth and survivability
2D-120: Strategies to enhance oestrus induction in lactating sows
2D-121: Improving sow reproductive output through dietary manipulation in late lactation – Now 5A-101
2D-122: Reducing stillbirth & pre-weaning mortality rates through better gestation feeding – Now 5A-102
2D-123: Dietary strategies to alleviate the impact of seasonal infertility within gilt pools
2D-124: Improving piglet performance through increased polyamine levels in sow milk
2D-125: Determining the effects of season on timing of ovulation and luteal function – Now 5A-103
2D-126: Investigation of the galactagogue potential of Fenugreek in sows
2D-127: Pre-farrowing prediction of litter size: towards improving sow metabolic status during the peri-partum period – Now 5A-104
2D-128: Improving embryo quality in pluriparous sows – Now 5A-105
2D-130: Improving reproductive performance in pigs – Now 5A-106
2D-131: Dietary ractopamine supplementation to improve the productivity of early parity sows – Now 5A-107
2D-132: Supplementation of lactating sow diets with glutamine to improve milk yield and growth of piglets
2D-133: Parity and nutritional effects on seasonal infertility

2E – Advanced reproductive technologies
2E-101: Genetic associations between voluntary feed intake of females, finisher performance, and sow longevity
2E-102: The effects of dietary arginine during gestation on the subsequent litter size of gilts and sows
2E-103: Development of a selection marker for placental efficiency
2E-105: Development of a commercial embryo freezing protocol for the conservation, transportation and importation of pig genetics
2E-107: Male Factors and Early Pregnancy Loss
2E-108: In  vitro embryo production systems as a breeding tool for the pig

2F – Physiology and growth manipulation
2F-101: The effects of fatty acids on the feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of growing pigs
2F-102: Evaluation of omega fatty acids supplementation as a nutritional approach to increase productivity and longevity in gilts and sows
2F-103: The effects of exogenous pST administration and feeding ractopamine in early pregnancy on the birth weight and growth performance of gilt and sow progeny.
2F-104: Improving feed conversion efficiency and carcass composition in barrows
2F-106: Nutritional manipulation of the somatotropic axis in grower and finisher pigs
2F-108: Effect of Nano-chromium on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and glucose metabolism of finishing pigs
2F-109: Field evaluation of the benefits of fish oil dietary supplementation to multiparous sows fed during lactation and early pregnancy on fertility

2G – General Nutrition
2G-101: Investigate the mechanisms and effects of ractopamine on fat tissue deposition in finisher pigs
2G-102: Increasing the dietary energy of diets fed to first-litter sows on lactation performance and subsequent reproduction
2G-103: Evaluation of an in-feed appetite suppressant as a means to manipulate feed intake in pigs
2G-104: Net energy defines lean and fat deposition better then digestible energy
2G-105: Cost-effective formulation of vegetable-protein based diets through quantification of nutirent lift in high and low phytate diets with added phytase
2G-106: Establishing the protein requirements for maximum lactation and subsequent reproductive performance in first-litter sows.
2G-107: The use of high fibre diets to manipulate carcass tissue distribution in finisher pigs, with particular emphasis on reducing belly fat
2G-108: Bi-phasic feeding to improve pig performance and body composition
2G-109: Commercial validation of a Single Diet verses phase feeding in grower – finisher pigs
2G-110: Influence of nutrient asynchrony on finisher growth performance and feed efficiency – Now 6A-102

2H –
2H-101: Strategies to reduce sorting variability
2H-102: Influence of dietary protein source on the effects of the metabolic modifiers ractopamine (Paylean®) and pST (Reporcin™) during the finisher period
2H-103: Increasing amino acid digestibility by Subtilisin protease  in Australian Protein meals – Now 4B-108
2H-104: Improving the response to Paylean with the novel use of pST
2H-105: Reducing carcass P2 in Improvac males with chromium
2H-106: Growth potential and meat quality of different pig genotypes
2H-107: Sulphur amino acid supplementation to improve herd feed conversion efficiency in commercial grower production system – Now 4B-109
2H-108: Impact of temperature on Sow Productivity – Now 5A-108
2H-109: The use of Berkshire triticale in weaner pigs
2H-110: Defining the optimum dose and timing of Paylean application in finishing female pigs
2H-111: Determining the effect of dietary energy density on Paylean response
2H-113: Determining the lysine to energy requirement of female pigs from the Australian PIC genotype when fed a diet containing ractopamine – Summary
2H-115: Improving feed intake with Sodium Bromide
2H-116: Influence of soyabean lecithin on carcass weight and dressing percentage
2H-117: Lecithin and Carcass Quality