AusScan Online – a revolution in NIR calibration delivery – is now LIVE!
A new online platform, known as AusScan Online, is set to revolutionise feed ingredient near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations, thanks to a licensing agreement between the Cooperative Research Centre for High Integrity Australian Pork (Pork CRC) and Aunir.
According to Pork CRC CEO, Dr Roger Campbell and Aunir Technical Director, Chris Piotrowski, AusScan Online users no longer need to load the calibrations onto their NIR machine and can now upload spectra files to the new website and run the calibrations over the internet.
But the most exciting aspect, is AusScan’s ability to offer access to its wide range of in vivo energy calibrations for pigs, broilers and ruminants, they said.
Results will be delivered to the user via the website, where they can review previous results and trend their data. And the good news is they will only pay for what they need.
Aunir will also maintain and update the calibrations to ensure users enjoy access to the very best information to suit their businesses and operational needs.
The expected usual proximate analyses will be offered, plus a range of non-starch polysaccharide and amino acid analyses, including total, reactive and standardised ileal digestible lysine. Users of AusScan Online can analyse their wheat, barley, sorghum, triticale, soya and canola samples via the website.
A full list of available calibrations can be found on the Aunir website
To create an account and start using AusScan Online visit the Aunir website:
Aunir is a leading developer and supplier of NIR spectroscopy solutions, which cost effectively test the quality attributes of ingredients and products used in the animal feed and flour milling industries across the world.
Pork CRC is a Cooperative Research Centre supported by the Australian Government and a range of stakeholders, including industry and universities, which supports and manages research to differentiate Australian pork as a ‘high integrity’ meat that is welfare-optimal, premium quality, nutritious, in high demand and produced while conserving energy and water, minimising greenhouse gas emissions and minimising cost of production.
Further information:
Aunir: Caroline Oram, email or Tel +44 1327 810910
Pork CRC: Roger Campbell, email or Tel + 61 8 8313 7683