Program 1 – Research Reports

Securing more reliable and consistent supplies of protein and energy for pig diets

SubProgram 1A – Innovative grain production

1A-101: Enhancing supplies of high quality barley – Part 1 – Summary
1A-102: Improved Triticale Production through breeding and agronomy – Summary
1A-103: Practical guidelines for the production and supply chain arrangements to deliver new and existing cereal and cultivars for the pig industry – Report Confidential
1A-104: Peas for a more reliable protein supply to the pork industry in the north– Summary
1A-105: Advanced development of Pea varieties for Australian Pork Production – merged with 1A-108 – – now 4B-101
1A-106: Enhancing supplies of high quality barley – Part 2 – Summary
1A-107: Improved Triticale Production through Breeding – now 4B-101
1A-108: Development of adapted field pea varieties for pork producing regions in northern and southern Australia – now 4B-102
1A-109: Selection of feed wheat and (or) barley varieties for the Australian pig industry – now 4B-103
1A-111: Dedicated feed grain production systems: An assessment of wheat, barley and triticale systems in Australia – Summary

SubProgram 1B – Quality assessment of feed ingredients

1B-101: NIRS calibrations for predicting the nutritional quality for feed ingredients for pigs
1B-102: Processing methods for improving the utilisation of cereal grains by pigs – Summary
1B-103: Canola meal value chain quality improvement
1B-104: Enhancement of NIR calibrations for predicting the energy value of weather damaged grains – Refer 1B-101
1B-105: Identification of the key attributes affecting starch content and availability in sorghum grain
1B-106: Canola meal value chain quality improvement – Stage 2
1B-107: Improving the efficiency of pig feed manufacturing and application of additives – now 4B-104
 – 1 Influence of hammer mill screen size and grain source (wheat or sorghum) on the growth performance of male grower pigs
1B-110: Commercial real-time application of NIR calibrations for the measurement of digestible energy – Summary
1B-111: Screening of new lines of cereal grains for inclusion in NIRS calibrations for predicting nutritional quality of feed ingredients for pigs – now 4B-105
1B-112: Quantification of the variability in the amino acid and reactive lysine content of soybean meal and development of NIR calibration for rapid prediction of reactive lysine content – now 4B-106
1B-113: Effect of grain type, particle size and processing condition on growth performance characteristics in pigs – Summary – Appendix 1 – Appendix 2
1B-114: The influence of sorghum type and increasing protease supplementation on young male pig performance – Summary
1B-116: Peripheral chemosensing and feed intake in pigs – now 6A-101
1B-117: Processing methods of grains – Extension –  now 4B-107

1C – Wider range of feed ingredients for pig production

1C-101: Evaluation of glycerin (glycerol) from biodiesel production in pigs
1C-102: The establishment of a viable pearl millet industry to support the Australian pork industry
1C-104: Evaluation of Juncea meal for growing pigs