AusScan Advances Animal Nutrition

March 1, 2016

AusScan calibrations have been one of the most valuable technological advancements in animal nutrition in the past 30 years, according to leading South Australian animal nutritionist Tony Edwards of ACE Consulting.

Mr Edwards recently addressed an AusScan near infrared reflectance (NIR) workshop for Australian nutritionists and feed-mill technicians, which aimed to:

  • Improve industry’s knowledge and understanding of NIR technology.
  • Discuss applications of the technology and improving data management.
  • Demonstrate using AusScan Online.
  • Discuss the future of NIR.
  • Outline how to utilise energy values.

Speaking at the University of Sydney, he stressed that by knowing the digestible energy of grains before feeding livestock, nutritionists could provide more accurate formulations and confidently select the correct parcels of grains for composite diets.

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AusScan NIR workshop Sydney Uni 180216_0087

Dr Charles Rikard-Bell, Pork CRC Manager, Commercialisation and Research Impact, presents at the AusScan NIR workshop at University of Sydney.