Commercial Focus for Pork CRC

Charles Rikard-Bell

Projects focussed on improving pig nutrition, enhancing weaner performance, increasing  reproduction and enriching the lives of group housed sows are at various stages of development and commercialisation with the Cooperative Research Centre for High Integrity Australian Pork (Pork CRC).
According to Pork CRC Manager, Commercialisation and Research Impact, Charles Rikard-Bell, the projects range from proof of concept to ready for adoption.
Dr Rikard-Bell said the four key projects which are nearing commercial reality are AusScan Online, a performance enhancer for weaned pigs, patents on improving reproduction and poured blocks to enrich group housed pigs.
Pork CRC CEO, Roger Campbell said all four were well advanced and poised to make a positive impact on Australia’s pork industry. click here for more